Account Management :: Managing Users


Your ReachMail account includes support for multiple users for paid accounts and access controls for each user. Note that you must be logged in as the account administrator to use these features.

Adding a user

Navigate to the Account section, then select Account Settings > Users from the secondary navigation and click the Add User button. Enter the user details (at minimum you'll need a user name, password, and email address), and select the desired access controls using the control check-boxes. Click Save when finished. You'll receive an email to confirm the account changes.

Editing a user

Navigate to the Account section, then select Users from the secondary navigation. Locate the user you want to edit in the table of users and click the pencil icon. Complete the changes in the user editing screen and click Save.

Deleting a user

Navigate to the Account section, then select Users from the secondary navigation. Locate the user you want to edit in the table of users and click the trash can icon.

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