Before You Begin


Basic Requirements

Before you get started with the API make sure you have the following information handy

  • ReachMail Account ID
  • ReachMail Username
  • ReachMail Password
  • Reference Manual (to look up API service URLs)
  • A working internet connection
  • Your preferred programming language

About Authentication

One feature that all the API services have in common is they will all require you to use basic authentication using your ReachMail Account Id, Username and Password. The methods for making the authenticated request will vary between programming languages but the username/password format remains the same. Combine your account id and username with a backslash to form the API username and your password remains the same.

For example, if your account id is 'FAKECO' and your username is 'admin' your API username becomes 'FAKECO\admin'

Token Authentication

Authentication can also be made via a token. The token can be generated in the user interface from the Account tab -> Tokens. Use of the token requires the following to be added to the headers of your service call. If using the token, you do not need to use the AccountId/user and password.

Authorization: token YouRtoKeNgoeShErE

About the Code Examples and Client Libraries

The ReachMail API Documentation and Code Samples are meant to be brief instructional references to the ReachMail API. In all cases we have attempted to make the instructions and code samples clear and concise. Please keep in mind that this documentation is not meant to be a programming instructional manual. You will need at least an intermediate knowledge of your chosen programming language to work with the API. ReachMail is not responsible for any damage you may do to your account data through the incorrect application of an API service or bad programming (e.g. Deleting all lists in your account).

In the various code samples we've used some modules and extensions to simplify tasks like HTTP requests. In some cases the modules may have come pre-packaged with your particular code installation, in others you may have to install them yourself. If you're not familiar with installing these modules or extensions please consult with your system administrator. ReachMail is not responsible for any damage or loss of data caused by incorrectly installing libraries, modules, packages or extensions for your chosen language.

The client libraries are focused on simplifying service calls and make no attempt to make service responses meaningful. In other words, the library function will help you call a service and will return the call results to you but it is your responsibility to make use of those responses in a meaningful way.

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