Appliance Support


Easy-SMTP is a great option for appliances, i.e. security systems, DVRs, printers / copiers, etc., that need to send an occasional email. In most cases configuring an appliance to route messages through Easy-SMTP is simple, the only special cases being those appliances which do not support SMTP authentication.

Determining if your appliance supports SMTP authentication and SSL

Before you being setting up your appliance, you’ll need to determine if it supports SMTP authentication and or SSL. Consult the owner’s manual or any or documention you have for the device for information on authentication support. Usually, you’ll find the details in the devices features list or in the setup instructions.

Determining your networking capabilities

When submitting mail to Easy-SMTP from appliances we recommend using port 587. Many networks restrict or block traffic on port 25, due to concerns about SPAM transmission.

Networking can be tested using telnet. Telnet is readily available on Linux, Mac, and Windows. Make sure to test using a computer that is on the same network as your appliance.

To test your connection, begin by opening a command line terminal. At the command prompt type telent <port>, replacing port with either 25 or 587. If you see a message like 220 easysmtp 2.1.2 b35eab8573 you’ve successfully connected. Type ‘quit’ and telnet will terminated the connection.

netbsd13$ telnet 587
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 easysmtp 2.1.2 b35eab8573
221 bye
Connection closed by foreign host.

Devices supporting SMTP authentication and SSL

If your device supports SMTP authentication and SSL, you’ll only need to fill in a few details.

Host or SMTP Server:
Port: 587 (recommended) or 25
User: AccountKey\Username
Password: P@55w0rd
Security options: STARTTLS

Devices not supporting SMTP authentication or SSL

If your device does not support either SMTP AUTH or SSL, IP authentication will need to be configured.

Doing so will treat all connections coming from your IP as authenticating to your account. Keep in mind that you will be responsible for all messages sent through your account so this is not the best option for shared resources.

To setup IP authentication, login to your account dashboard at and then to the Account tab. Click on EasySMTP and then enter your public IP address in the IP address field and click Save. Allow 5 minutes for the access control lists to update, confirm your connection settings, and attempt to connect again.

Host or SMTP Server:
Port: 587 (recommended) or 25
User: AccountKey\Username
Password: P@55w0rd

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