ReachMail - Dashboard


You can log into your ReachMail user interface by going to The user interface provides additional tools and reporting to troubleshoot issues and keep track of your messages. As soon as you log into the account, you will land on the Dashboard. The Dashboard will allow you to see a rough Overview of your Account Details and keep up to date with our latest news.

Account Overview & E-Marketing News


When looking at the ReachMail Dashboard, the first items presented are your Account Overview and ReachMail's E-Marketing News. The Account Overview shows your basic account information, including company name, administrator email, account key, username, account type, monthly volume, and list size. Also provided to you is your Mailing Score, a summarized aggregate of your recent campaigns. Clicking more details will give you a detailed breakdown of how our system calculates this score. ReachMail's E-Marketing News feed gives you direct access to our newest blog posts. Keep an eye on this section to track our latest features, tips & tricks, and news in the email marketing world.

30 Day Summary (Beta)


Don't see this feature? Enable Beta features in your user settings. ReachMail's 30 Day Summary allows you to see a breakdown of your stats, comparing your last 30 days to the previous 30 days. This overview covers campaigns sent, emails sent, delivery rate, open rate, click rate, opt-out rate, and bounce rate. This feature is still in Beta, and we would love to hear your feedback

Recent Campaigns


Recent campaigns capture your five most recent mailings sent through ReachMail. Keep in mind this report omits test campaigns and auto messages. This area will highlight when the campaign was delivered, campaign name, recipients sent, recipients received, open rate, campaign score, opt-outs (unsubscribed), spam complaints, soft and hard bounces. Clicking on the pie chart icon will bring you to the individual report of that campaign. Clicking on the download icon will allow you to save the opens from that campaign. At the bottom right-hand corner, you can select "Click for more reports..." to view all your campaigns.

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